crafted by photobiz


Thank you for visiting my website. Feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.

Marc, we really loved your website and the photos you chose to display. You've truely brought out the beauty in your art. We absolutely believe you're going to see success in your venture. Thank you for dreaming & inspiring us to continue to push on with our dreams. Michael Lacy

Just viewed your website, it is awesome! The music is compliments your pictures. Great Job ! Anita Jalbert

This looks wonderful ! Congratulations ! Very nicely done. Mary Power

Just checked out your web. Think its great !!!! Nice job, glad to know I have a signed copy of one already !!!!! Carole Tardif

Hey Marc, It's really great to see your work on the net. The site looks great, your prices are more than reasonable. I like the fact that the slideshow starts without the viewer having to click on anything, and I like that it pops up again here at the contact page...Well done. Jennifer Leigh

"FYI your pictures are amazing ... I was killing time at work looking at your web site ... Amazing ! " Melissa Stewart

Marc, your images are amazing !!! My husband gave me your card & am finally getting a chance to looksee. Also, the poem you wrote is fantastic -- I love it ! Sincerely, Janice Wyman

Hi Marc, Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing and I hope you succeed well with them. Beth Francis

(c) Marc Robert D'Amour Photography